DENG Yansheng
Email: ysdeng@zust.edu.cn
Brief Education and Work Background
PhD in Geology Engineering, Tongji University
MSc in Geotechnology Engineering, Huaqiao University
Main Research Interests
Rock dynamics
Artificial intelligence in geotechnics
Main Research Projects
Zhejiang Provincial Science and Technology Plan: Research on comprehensive evaluation and countermeasure of development potential of urban underground space in Zhejiang province (2022C35026). 2022.01-2023.12
Main Published Papers
[1] Yansheng Deng, Jianxiu Wang, Baoping Zou. Elastoplastic Analysis for Circular Tunnel Based on Modified Lade Criterion considering strain softening and dilatancy. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2021, Article ID 4872558.
[2] Yansheng Deng, Jianxiu Wang, Mingjing Jiang, Baoping Zou. Elasto-plastic analysis of circular tunnel in rock mass with confining stress-dependent strain-softening behavior considering intermediate principal stress. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2021, 14: 2191.
[3] Jianxiu Wang, Yansheng Deng, Xiaobo Wang, Xiaotian Liu, Nianqing Zhou. Numerical evaluation of a 70-m deep hydropower station foundation pit dewatering. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2022, 81:364.
[4] Yansheng Deng, Yujun Guo, Baoping Zou, Jianxiu Wang, Xiaotian Liu, Qizhi Chen, Bowen Kong, Shiju Liang. Failure analysis and zoning control of water gushing in foundation pit. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2023, 145:107029.