2014.6 --, School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Lecturer
2011.12 – 2014.6 Urban Infrastructure Construction and Developing Center, Hangzhou. Engineer.
2005.6 --2011.12 Research Institute of Structural Engineering, Zhejiang University, Ph.D
2007.8 – 2008.8 Port and Airport Research Institution, Japan. Visiting Researcher
2001.9 – 2005.7 Department of Civil Engineering, Zhejiang University, Bachelor
Research Interest
Durability research of concrete structures:
Durability degradation mechanism of concrete structures under severe mechanic environment and exposure environment;
Durability monitoring technology of concrete structures.
Life cycle management of concrete structures:
Durability limit states principles of concrete structures and residual life span predicating;
Property requirement-based life cycle management of concrete structures.
Achievements Papers
Xue W, Chen J, Jin WL, Xiong YG. Effect of Concrete Mixture Proportions on the Chloride Resistance. Advanced Science Letter.2011.4(8):2854-2859.(SCI)
Jin Weiliang, Xue Wen, Chen Ju. Effecting coefficients for concrete structure durability design index. Journal of Building Structures 2011.12: 86-97.(EI, in Chinese)
Xue Wen, Chen Ju, Wu Ling, Jin Weiliang. Experimental investigation of composite steel-concrete beams with corroded studs. Journal of Building Structures. 2013. 34(1): 33-37 .(EI, in Chinese)
Xue Wen, Jin Weiliang, Yokota Hiroshi. Chloride penetrating under co-effects of initial curing and exposure environments. Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science). 2011. 45(8):12-18. .(EI, in Chinese)
Xue W, Jin WL, Yokota H.. Influence of initial curing conditions and exposure environments on the chloride migration in concrete using electrochemical method. Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China, 2010, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 348-353.
Xue Wen, Shen Xuehan, Dai Jianguo, Jin Weiliang. Influence of the permeability of external thermal insulation on concrete wall carbonization. New Building Materials. 2009, 343:44-48.(in Chinese)
Xue W, Dai JG, Yokota H, Jin WL. Influence of Initial Curing on Chloride Penetrating Characteristics in the Concrete Exposed to Different Marine Environment. 7th International Symposium on New Technologies for Urban Safety on Mega Cities in Asia, 21-23 October, 2008, Beijing.
Xue W, Dai JG, Jin WL, Yokota H. A neural network model for apparent chloride diffusion coefficient prediction. Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Life-Cycle Management of Coastal Concrete Structures. 27-28 November, Hangzhou.
Yokota H, Xue W, Jin WL. Co-effects of initial and exposure environments on chloride penetration. Proceeding of Sixth International Conference on Concrete under Severe Conditions, Environment and Loading. Merida, Mexico, 2010
Xue W, Chen J, Jin WL, Xiong YG. Relationship between Fractal Dimension of Fine Aggregates and Chloride Resistance of Concrete. 12th International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components, Portugal, 2011
Research projects
2008—2010, Supported by Projects of International Cooperation and Exchanges NSFC(50811140088):Life cycle management-based concrete structure durability design theory. Participant
2007—2008 Foundation of Zhejiang Science and Technology Commission (2006C13090): The anti-corrosion key technology and corollary equipment development and application of port and costal concrete structure. Participant
2006 —2009, Key Program of Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (50538070): Basic theory research on durability design and evaluation for concrete structures under chloride erosion environment. Participant.