Hu Guilin
Brief Education
Zhejiang University, Doctor of Engineering ThermoPhysics, Sept. 2000 – Jul. 2003
Work Background
Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Engineering ThermoPhysics (Professor, Master Tutor), Jul. 2014 – present
National Research Council, Vancouver, Canada, Visiting Scholar, Mar. 2010- Jun 2011
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, Visiting Scholar, Aug. 2017- Mar. 2019
Main Research Interests
CFD, fuel cell, Aerosol particles, Biological Heat Transfer
Main Research Projects
1. Lattice Boltzmann method simulation and experimental study on microscaled transportation in proton exchange membrane fuel cell. Supported by Natural Science Foundation of China. (No. 50806068, 2009.1~2011.12) (As first principal)
2. Study on numerical simulation and optimization of characteristics of proton exchange membrane fuel cell. Supported by the Key Project of Chinese Ministry of Education.(No. 207043, 2007.2~2009.12)(As first principal)
3. Numerical simulation and experimental study on the catalyst layer optimization of proton exchange membrane fuel cell. Supported by Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province: Distinguished Youth Foundation (P.R. China, granted No R1100065,2010.7-2013.7) (As first principal)
4. Computational fluid dynamics simulation and optimization of proton exchange membrane fuel cell. Supported by Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (P.R. China, granted No Y106161, 2007.1~2009.12) (As first principal)
5. Study on two-phase mechanism and dynamic characteristic of proton exchange membrane fuel cell. Supported by Visiting Scholar Foundation of Key Lab. In University. (No. ZJUCEU2008001) (As first principal)
6. Study on deposition characteristics of inhaled particles in the human upper respiratory tract. Supported by Natural Science Foundation of China (granted No 50776082) (As second principal)
Main Published Papers
1. Hangwei Lei, Yuzhen Xia and Guilin Hu*, Effects of Inhomogeneous Gas Diffusion Layer Properties on the Transportation Phenomenon and Performances of Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, ACS Omega, 9(2024), 9383−9395
2. Chuanfu Sun, Guilin Hu, Lili Cao, Taijun Pan, Chengfeng Guo and Yuzhen Xia, Ni/Graphene Coating for Enhanced Corrosion Resistance of Metal Foam Flow Field in Simulated PEMFC Cathode Environment, ACS Omega, 9(2024), 29797−29804
3. Yuzhen Xia, Yiwei Hu, Guilin Hu*, Hangwei Lei, Jiazhou Lu, Zichen Wang, Qianpu Wang, Numerical analysis on the effects of manifold design on flow uniformity in a large proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 48 (2023) 5643 -5655
4. Jiazhou Lu, Yuzhen Xia, Yiwei Hu, Zichen Wang, Hangwei Lei & Guilin Hu*, Study on transport phenomena and performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cell with radial flow fields, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, (2023) 17:1, e2156925
5. Zichen Wang, Yuzhen Xia, Hangwei Lei, Guilin Hu,Enhanced corrosion resistance of Ni/Sn nanoelectrodeposited metal foam for flow field application in simulated PEMFC cathode environment, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47 (2022) 35412-35422
6. Lei Zhang, Guilin Hu, Xiaotao T. Bi, Two-phase flow in parallel channels: Mal-distribution, hysteresis and mitigation strategies, Chemical Engineering Science, 247 (2022) 117044
7. Guilin Hu, James Butler, Jennifer Littlejohns, Qianpu Wang & Guoneng Li, Simulation of cargo VOC emissions from petroleum tankers in transit in Canadian waters, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2020, 14:1, 522-533
8. Hu Guilin, Fan Jianren. Transient computation fluid dynamics modeling of a single proton exchange membrane fuel cell with serpentine channel. Journal of Power Sources, 165: 171-184, 2007.
9. Guilin Hu and Jianren Fan. A Three-Dimensional, Multicomponent, Two-Phase Model for a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell with Straight Channels. Energy & Fuels, 20(2): pp 738 – 747, 2006
10. Hu, G. L., Fan, J. R., Chen, S., Liu, Y. J., and Cen, K. F. Three-dimensional numerical analysis of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) with conventional and interdigitated flow fields. Journal of Power Sources. 136(1): 1-9, 2004
11. J. R. Fan, G. L. Hu, J. Yao, and K. F. Cen. A two-dimensional mathematical model of liquid-feed DMFC, Energy & Fuels. 16(6): 1591-1598, 2002
12. Guilin Hu, R. Neagu, Qianpu Wang, Zhiguo Zhang, Guoneng Li, Youqu Zheng,Mathematical modeling of flow and heat/mass transfer during Reactive Spraying Deposition Technology (RSDT) process for high temperature fuel cell,Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2012, 6(1): 134–143
13. Hu G.-L.; Fan J.-R.; Zheng Y.-Q., CFD based two-phase modelling of proton exchange membrane fuel cell with interdigitated flow field, Journal of the Energy Institute , 2010, 83( 2): 93-100
14. Hu Guilin; Li Guoneng; Zheng Youqu, et al. Optimization and parametric analysis of PEMFC based on an agglomerate model for catalyst layer, Journal of Energy Institute, 2014, 87(2): 163-174