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留学浙科-2024 ZUST国际学生(本科)招生简章|Bachelor Programs Call for Application

2024-03-18    访问量:

Application Website:



Application deadline: July 30, 2024

01申请条件 Eligibility


Applicants should be aged between 18 and 35. Those under the age of 18 are required to submit the relevant legal documents of the guardian in Hangzhou.


Applicants should be in good health.


Applicants should possess a high school degree or above, high school graduation certificate and transcripts. Fresh high school graduates are supposed to provide a pre-graduation certificate by the school they are attending.


Applicants should be foreign citizens. Foreign citizens of Chinese origin who are now studying in China as international students must have held a valid foreign passport for at least 4 years, and must have resided in a foreign country for at least 2 years in the past 4 years (9 months of residence in a foreign country may count as a full year).


Applicants should have no criminal record and no drug addiction history; Applicants should be willing to abide by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and relevant school regulations. They also need to upload their non-criminal material and anti-drug paper to the application system.

6) 具备参加相应课程的语言能力(英语授课申请者需提供雅思、托福或其他英语能力证书或通过浙江科技大学入学英语考试,雅思成绩需达到5.5分及以上水平,托福网考成绩需达到80分及以上水平,汉语授课申请者需提供HSK4级证书,至少180分)

Language proficiency: Applicants for English-taught programs must provide IELTS, TOEFL or other English proficiency certificates or pass the Zhejiang University of Science and Technology Entrance English Test. IELTS scores must reach 5.5 points or above, TOEFL IBT scores must reach 80 points or above. Applicants for Chinese-taught programs must provide HSK4 certificate with a passing mark of 180 or above.

Exemption of English Proficiency Certificate:

(1) English is native language or official language.

(2) Other equivalent English proficiency certificates (must be reviewed and approved by ZUST).

02招生专业 Programs


Our university offers 11 English-taught bachelor programs and 21 Chinese-taught bachelor programs for international students.

English-taught Bachelor Programs


Chinese-taught Bachelor Programs


Tuition: yuan /1 Academic Year

German-taught Bachelor Programs


Tuition: yuan /1 Academic Year

03申请材料 Documents Required


Application form

(It could be done in the application system :http://isam.zust.edu.cn)


Scanned copy of passport, Scanned copies of all visa pages in China (Applicants in China must provide).


Applicants should be foreign citizens. Foreign citizens of Chinese origin who are now applying to study in China as international students must have held a valid foreign passport for at least 4 years, and must have actually resided in a foreign country for at least 2 years in the past 4 years (as of April 30, the enrollment year) (9 months of residence in a foreign country may count as a full year).


Scanned copy of the notarized high school graduation certificate (in Chinese or English). If the original certificate is not in English or Chinese, a notarized translation version is also required. Fresh high school graduates shall be issued a pre-graduation certificate by their school, and the high school graduation certificate must be submitted when students come to register.


Notarized transcripts of all courses in high school (in Chinese or English). If the original transcript is not in English or Chinese, a notarized translation version is also required.


Students whose native language is not English are required to provide proof of English proficiency, such as IELTS, TOEFL or other English proficiency certificates, or pass the Eentrance English Ttest of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology. (for English-taught bachelor students).


HSK certificate (Those who apply for Chinese-taught bachelor majors in science, engineering, economics, management, and art must have a score of 180 or above in HSK4; Those who apply for Chinese-taught bachelor majors in literature and education need to reach HSK4 195 points and above).


Certificate of No Criminal Record; A statement of no drug addiction history.


Application fee payment voucher (RMB 400 or USD 60).


For those who already study in China, transfer letter with attendance rate are also required.


Statement of Financial Support (Bank statement to prove that the Applicants has sufficient fund to afford his or her tuition, accommodation and living expenses in China).


Valid Foreigner Physical Examination Form.


NOTE: The application documents and application fee will not be returned whether you are accepted or not.

06 Contact Us

School of International Education (SOIE), ZUST

Tel: 0086-571-8507-0141; 0086-571-85070095; 0086-571-85070080

Fax: 0086-571-8507-0146

Email: internationaloffice@126.com

Website: http://ies.zust.edu.cn

Mailing Address:

School of International Education, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology,

No.318, Liu-he-Lu, Hangzhou, 310023, Zhejiang, P. R. China.