
当前位置: 首页 >> 招生申请快捷 >> 奖学金 >> 浙江科技学院外国留学生优秀新生奖学金

2024 Scholarship for Outstanding New Students of ZUST、Promotion Scholarship of ZUST

Scholarship for Outstanding New Students of ZUSTPromotion Scholarship of ZUST

1) Who can apply: New students in Bachelor programs and Master programs.

2) Levels and Quotas for Scholarships

The first level:

100% of the annual tuition fee of students’ first academic year

The second level:

70% of the annual tuition fee of students’ first academic year

The third level:

50% of the annual tuition fee of students’ first academic year

The fourth level:

30% of the annual tuition fee of students’ first academic year

Promotion Scholarship of ZUSTNo more than 5000RMB.

When to apply: Jan. 1, 2024-May. 30, 2024

Application Documents for Zhejiang Provincial Government Scholarship

a. Application form for Scholarship of ZUST.

b. Scanned copy of passport and all visa pages in China.

c. Scanned copy of notarized highest diploma and transcripts.

d. 1 or 2 recommendation letters (in Chinese or English).

e. Transfer letter or study certificate given by the previous school with attendance rate and study performance (for students already in China).

f. Language proficiency certificate.

g. Study Plan (in Chinese or English).

h. Foreigner physical examination form.

i. Certificate of no criminal record and Anti-drug commitment letter.

j. Letter of financial guarantee (provide proof of deposit of an equivalent amount for at least one academic year of tuition).


1) 资助类别:本科、硕士新生

2) 资助标准

一等奖学金:第一学年学费的 100%

二等奖学金:第一学年学费的 70%

三等奖学金:第一学年学费的 50%

四等奖学金:第一学年学费的 30%

推广奖学金:不超过 5000 元。


2024 1 1 日-2024 5 30

3) 浙江科技大学优秀新生奖学金和浙江科技大学推广奖学金申请材料

a. 浙江科技大学奖学金申请表》

b. 护照电子扫描件和所有在华签证页扫描件

c. 经过公证的最高学历证明和学习成绩单扫描件

d. 1-2 封推荐信(中文或英文)

e. 已在中国学习的学生需提交原学校的学习表现证明

f. 语言水平证明

g. 来华学习和研究计划(中文或英文)

h. 《外国人体格检查表》

i. 无犯罪记录证明和无吸毒、无涉毒承诺书



1登陆浙江科技大学在线申请系统 https://isam.zust.edu.cn/,完成学历项目申请和奖学金申请,通过材料审核和入学考核后取得浙江科技大学学历项目预录取通知书,并在线支付 400 元报名费(不予退还)和 3000 元预交学费




1.How to apply

1) Login in: https://isam.zust.edu.cn/ to complete the online application of study and Scholarship for Outstanding New Students of ZUST, and receive Pre-admission notice after passing documents review and enrollment test. And then pay the application fee(400RMB) which is non-refundable and pre-paid tuition fee(3000RMB)

2) Zhejiang University of Science and Technology Scholarship Committee will review the application materials and determine the list of scholarship candidates.

3) Zhejiang University of Science and Technology Scholarship Committee will announce the list of scholarship candidates.

4) Scholarship recipients will be awarded official Scholarship Notice.


1) 被录取学生须在规定时间缴纳预交学费(3000元),否则无法进入奖学金候选人资格。


2) 奖学金获得者在开学时需提交所有申请材料原件进行入学资格复核和报到注册,未通过


3) 奖学金获得者的评选由奖学金评审委员会负责。国际教育学院将在第一学期末对获得新

生奖学金的外国留学生的学习成绩、学习态度、行为表现进行评审。第一学期出现成绩不合格课程或缺课(包括病假、事假、旷课)达到 20 课时或出现缺考、考试作弊现象或受到警告及以上纪律处分的学生不能享受第二学期的新生奖学金。通过评审的学生将继续享受第二学期的新生奖学金。


1) Admitted students are required to pay seat fee (prepaid tuition, 3000RMB) in time,

otherwise they can not be considered as scholarship candidates. Scholarship recipients must complete the registration and enrollment on scheduled time in accordance with the university regulations. Those who miss the deadline without approval will be disqualified from scholarship.

2) Scholarship recipients are required to bring all original documents for registration

and qualification review. Students who fail in the qualification review will be rejected to register and be disqualified from scholarship and admission.

3) School of International Education (SOIE) is responsible for the first-round

selection of the winners of the Scholarship. After the preliminary selection of the application materials, the SOIE shall forward the selected material to the subordinate schools for reviewing, and the final decision will be made by Zhejiang University of Science and Technology Scholarship Committee. At the end of the first semester, the SOIE will conduct a review over the scholarship winners’ academic performance, their attendance records, and their personal conduct.

Note: the qulification of the scholarship will be canceled if the scholarship winners have any of the following conduct:

a. Fail to pass the required courses

b. Fail to keep a good attendance record required by the SOIE (reasons include sick

leave, personal leave and absenteeism)

c. Fail to participate the examination

d. Cheat in the examinations

e. Have been imposed of a punishment of warning or above will not be able to

receive the scholarship in the next semester.

But those who pass the review can keep their Scholarship in the next semester.