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2023-05-20    访问量:

5月17日和18日,我校2015级印度尼西亚籍校友Paul Amaze Grant 、2013级孟加拉籍校友Syed Mohammed Walid Karim接连返校,看望了师长和学弟学妹,参观了国际文化节,并游览了校园,深刻感受了毕业后学校的发展变化。Paul Amaze Grant目前在家族企业PT Biocare Sejahtera公司工作。Syed Mohammed Walid Karim在孟加拉创办了WAFIMA进出口贸易公司,并担任CEO。秉承“回一次家,叙一次旧,合一次影”理念,国际教育学院积极邀请国际校友返校探亲,扩展校友联络的广度和深度,提升校友服务质量。欢迎各国校友回归母校,一同为母校的发展建设添一分热,发一分光。

On May 17th and 18th, our school's Indonesian alumni from the class of 2015, Paul Amaze Grant, and Bangladeshi alumni from the class of 2013, Syed Mohammed Walid Karim, returned to their alma mater to visit their teachers and younger schoolmates, attended the International Cultural Festival, tour the campus, and gained a deeper understanding of the school's development and changes since their graduation. Paul Amaze Grant is currently running his family business, PT Biocare Sejahtera. Syed Mohammed Walid Karim founded WAFIMA Import and Export Trading Company in Bangladesh and serves as CEO. SOIE actively invites international alumni to return to their alma mater in order to expand the breadth and depth of alumni connections and improve alumni services. All alumni are welcome to return to their alma mater and contribute their enthusiasm and brilliance to the development and construction of their alma mater.