Ying Kong
●Zhejiang University of technology University, Doctor of Control Theory and Application, Aug 2011-Dec 2017
● Zhejiang University, Computer Science (Master Tutor), Sep 2006-Dec 2008
●Zhejiang Gongshang University, Computer Science (Bachelor Tutor), Sep 1999-July 2003
She is currently a professor with the School of Information and Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University of Science & Technology, Hangzhou, China.
Email: kongying-888@163.com kongying@zust.edu.cn
Main Research Interests
Her main research interests are artificial intelligence, neural networks, robotics and time-varying systems.
Main Research Projects
Research projects led and participated in the past five years:
[1] National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant NO. 61803338)
[2] National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant NO. U22A20102)
[3] Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (Grant No. LZY22E050002).
[4] ``Pioneer" and ``Leading Goose" R\&D Program of Zhejiang Province
(Grant No.2023C01150)
Main Published Papers
Ying Kong, Yunliang Jiang, Xiaoyun Xia. Terminal recurrent neural networks for time-varying reciprocal solving with application to trajectory planning of redundant manipulation. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2022, 52(1): 387-399. (SCI)
Ying Kong, Yunliang Jiang, Xianyi Li, Jingsheng Lei. A time-specified zeroing neural network for quadratic programming with its redundant manipulator application. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2022, 69(5): 4977-4987. (SCI)
Ying Kong, Jiajia Wu, Yunliang Jiang, Huifeng Wu. Robust terminal recurrent neural network for finding exact solution of the TVQP problem with various noises. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2023, 19(5): 6907-6916. (SCI)
Ying Kong, Shiyong Chen, Yunliang Jiang, Haijiang Wang. Zeroing neural network with fuzzy parameter for cooperative manner of multiple redundant manipulators. Expert Systems with Applications, 2023, 212: 168-180. (SCI)
Ying Kong, Yunliang Jiang, Renji Han, Huifeng Wu. A generalized varying-parameter recurrent neural network for super solution of quadratic programming problem. Neurocomputing, 2021, 437: 238-248. (SCI)
Ying Kong, Yunliang Jiang, Jungang Lou. Terminal computing for Sylvester equations solving with application to intelligent control of redundant manipulators. Neurocomputing, 2019, 335: 119-130. (SCI)
Ying Kong, Yunliang Jiang, Junwen Zhou, Huifeng Wu. A time controlling neural network for time‐ varying QP solving with application to kinematics of mobile manipulator. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2021, 36: 403-420. (SCI)
Ying Kong, Chengtao Zhang, Junwen Zhou, Jingyi Zhou. Comprehensive understanding of a distributed k-WTA strategy in a competitive behavior. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2023, 125: 10309-10319. (SCI)
Ying Kong, Tanglong Hu, Jingsheng Lei, Renji Han. A finite-time convergent neural network for solving time-varying linear equations with inequality constraints applied to redundant manipulator. Neural Processing Letters, 2022, 54: 125-144. (SCI)
Ying Kong, Qingqing Tang, Ruiyang Zhang. A repeatable motion scheme for kinematic control of redundant manipulators. Computational intelligence and neuroscience, 2019:19-29. (SCI)