Admission Procedure


Nov 9, 2023    Hits:


Yang Zhou

I received the Ph.D. degree in Measuring and Testing Technologies and Instruments from Shanghai University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China in 2013. Meanwhile, I joined the faculty of the Department of College of Information and Electronic Engineering at Zhejiang University of Science and Technology. My research focuses on Spectroscopy Analysis, OCT Image Processing, Computer Vision and Machine Learning for agricultural applications. I am also interested in Non-standard Inspecting Equipment Design. I  now houses an optoelectronic measuring research program with efforts in several areas. I visited Biomedical Interferometry, Optics and Spectroscopy (BIOS) laboratory in Duke University.


Main Research Interests

Image Processing

3D Point Cloud

Data Mining

OCT Application

Software Design

Main Research Projects

Key R&D projects in Zhejiang Province (2021C02038),

Zhejiang province commonweal projects (LGG21F010003)

General projects of agricultural and social development in Hangzhou (202203B06).

Main Published Papers

Zhou, Y., et al. (2018).Loquat Bruise Detection Using Optical Coherence Tomography Based on Microstructural Parameters. Food Analytical Methods. DOI: 10.1007/s12161-018-1246-6.

Zhou, Y., Zhao, Y., Kim, S., & Wax, A. (2018). Spectroscopic OCT: towards an effective tool for distinguishing authentic and artificial Chinese freshwater pearls. Optical Materials Express, 8(3), 622-628.

Zhou, Y., et al. (2017). Discriminating hidden bruises in loquat by attenuation coefficients estimated from optical coherence tomography images. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 130, 1-6.

Zhou, Y., et al. (2016). Automated Internal Classification of Beadless Chinese ZhuJi Fleshwater Pearls based on Optical Coherence Tomography Images. Scientific Reports.  6, Article number: 33819 (2016) doi:10.1038/srep33819.

Zhou, Y., Chen, Z., Liu, T., & Mao, J. (2016). Extended canonical variates analysis for wine origin discrimination by using infrared spectroscopy. Chemistry Letters, 45(5), 564-566.

Yang, Z., Fu, X., Ying, Y., & Fang, Z. (2015). An integrated fiber-optic probe combined with support vector regression for fast estimation of optical properties of turbid media. Analytica Chimica Acta, 880, 122-129.

Zhou, Y., Liu, T., & Li, J. (2015). Rapid identification between edible oil and swill-cooked dirty oil by using a semi-supervised support vector machine based on graph and near-infrared spectroscopy. Chemometrics & Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 143, 1-6.

Zhou, Y., Liu, T., Li, J., & Chen, Z. (2015). Rapid identification of edible oil and swill-cooked dirty oil by using near-infrared spectroscopy and sparse representation classification. Analytical Methods, 7(6), 2367-2372

Zhou, Y. et al. (2014). Detection of diesel quality parameters by near infrared spectroscopy with sparse component analysis. Optics and Precision Engineering, 22(2), 296-303. (In Chinese)

Zhou, Y. et al. (2013). Tablets Classification Method Based on Bayesian Decision and Near Infrared Spectroscopy. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 41(2), 293-296. (In Chinese)

Zhou, Y. et al. (2013). The Wavelet Projection Pursuit Regression Method of Near-infrared Spectroscopy Calibration. Acta Metrologica Sinica, 34(2), 184-186. (In Chinese)

Zhou, Y. et al. Application of Training Dictionary and Sparse Representation in Diesel Property Detection Using Near-infrared Spectroscopy. Acta Chimica Sinica, 2012, 70(18):1969-1973.

Zhou, Y. et al. (2012). A Discrimination Method on Fat Oxidation of Dairy Product Based on Three-dimensional Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Journal of Instrumental Analysis, 31(2), 230-233.

Zhou, Y. et al. (2011).Working state discrimination method of near infrared spectrometer modulator based on maximum entropy. Instrumentation/Publication of China Instrument & Control Society, 32(4), 927-931. (In Chinese)

Zhou, Y. et al. (2011). Effect of Spectral Pretreatment on Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Rapid Detection of Wine Alcohol. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 38(4), 54-58. (In Chinese)