Admission Procedure

LIU Yong

Jan 9, 2025    Hits:

Personal Curriculum Vitae

Basic Information

Name: Yong Liu

Birth Date: 1978.11

Gender: Male

Degree: Ph.DResearch

Area: Interdiscipline of Materials Science and MicrobiologyCell


Education background

  • 2004.8-2007.6: South China Agricultural University, Ph.D, Plant Science :

  • 2001.8-2004.6:Hainan University, Master, Crops Genetics and Breeding;1997.8-2001.6:Shandong Normal University, Bachelor, Biology Education;

Occupational history

  • 2016.10 - present: Zhejian University of Science & Technology, associated researcher2013.12-2016.10: Zhejiang Academy ofAgriculture Sciences, associated researcher

  • 2007.7-2013.12:Zhejiang Academy ofAgriculture Sciences, assistant researcher;2009.8-2009.11:Baylor College of Medicine (America), visiting scholar;2011.4-2011.6:Deakin University(Australia), visiting scholar;

Research experiences and techniques

  • Fungal genetics and breedingI have kept on researching filamentous fungal genetics and breeding for more than 1l yearssince I got PhD in 2007, so I am quite familiar with yeast and filamentous fungi on physiologybreeding and gene operation. Unfortunately, my fungal research work was interrupted several timesby other projects, job switch, new born baby et al.

  • Accuracy of targeted gene knockout usually is less than 15% in mushroom - Coprinus cinereaI tried to develop a novel method to increase gene knockout effciency on model mushroom .Coprinus cinereal. An increase of gene knockout accuracy in yeast from about 30% to about 80%was achieved through a topological DNA structure-mediated method without CRISPR-CASCoating and controlled release of microbial cells and microbial products

  • A double emulsification method was developed for coating Lactobacillus, andlimmobilization system was developed for controlled release of water treatment bacteria. The 2systems were established for negative enzyme (P<7.0) and positive enzyme (PI>7. 0) coating andcontrolled release. A micro-emulsion system was established for oil-soluble herbicide and a micellasystem for coating of water-soluble antibiotics was developed.

Supported grants

  • Integration and demonstration of high-quality ecological tobacco production technology insouthwest Guizhou,enterprise project, 2023.1-2023.12, project leader, ¥ 600,000 Yuan;

  • Research and application of controlled slow release technology for tobacco bacterial wiltreatment, enterprise project, 2021.1-2023.12, project participant, ¥ 1,850,000 Yuan;adhesion pesticide formula,enterprise projectDevelopment of novelhighleave

  • 2018.1-2020.12,project leader,¥ 530,000 Yuan;

  • Development of molecular reagents and itsapplication protocols,Enterprise project2017.12-2018.12,project leader,¥ 300,000 Yuan;Technical cooperation on comprehensive development and utilization of fimctional Monascus,

  • 2013.1-2017.12,project co-leader,¥ 1,500,000 Yuan;Enterprise proiect.Construction of topological structure-fixed DNA and its gene knockout activity test. NationalNatural Science Foundation ofChina, 2014.1-2016.12, project leader, ¥ 220,000 Yuan;Preparation and application of micro-nano materials enhanced microcapsules immobilized withZhejiang Provincial International Cooperation Projectwater treatment bacteria,2013.1-2015.12,project leader, ¥ 200,000 Yuan;

  • Chitosan nanoparticles-mediated transformation of filamentous fungus, Natural ScienceFoundation of Zhejiang Province, project leader, 2010.1-2011.12, project leader, ¥ 100,000Yuan;

  • Development and application of pesticide-loaded micro-nano particles, enterprise project2011.5-2012.4, project leader, ¥ 150,000 Yuan.


  • Lin,G;Gao,J;Shang,S;Zhang,H;Luo,Q;Wu,Y;Liu,Y.*;Chen,X; Sun,Y1-Tetradecanol, diethyl phthalate and tween 80 assist in the formation of thermo-responsivazoxystrobin nanoparticles.Molecules.2022.27.7959.

  • Sun Yan*, Liu Yong, Wei Liu, et al. Chitosan microparticles ionically cross-linked with poly(y-Glutamic Acid) as antimicrobial peptides and nitric oxide delivery systems. Biochemicaengineering journal,2015,95:78-85.

  • Yong Liu,Yan Sun*, Yaoxing Xu, et al. Preparation and evaluation of lysozyme-loadednanoparticles coated with polyy-glutamic acid and chitosan. International Journal ofBiological Macromolecules,2013.59:201-207

  • Xingjiang Chen, Kai Cai, Ning Lu, Yi Cao, Shenghua Shang, Yan Sun, Yong Liu*, Preparatiorand characterization of streptomycin sulphate-loaded nanocapsule coated with chitosan andpoly-y-glutamic acid, Chinese journal ofpesticide science,2013,3:331-336.

  • Liu Yong,SunYan,LiYanli,et al.Preparation and characterization ofalpha-galactosidase-loaded chitosan nanoparticles for use in foods. Carbohydrate Polymers2011,83:1162-1168.

  • Sun Yan, Liu Yong*,Li Yongzhen, et al. Preparation and characterization of novelcurdlan/chitosan blending membranes for antibacterial applications. Carbohydrate Polymers2011.84(3):952-959.

  • Guo Liqiong", Liu Yong", Zhao Shuxian, er al. Highly efficient transformation of intacyeast-like conidium cells of Tremella fuciformis by electroporation. Science in China Series C

  • Life Sciences.2008,38(10):974-981.

  • Han Fei, Liu Yong, Guo Liqiong, et al. Heterologous expression of the immunomodulatoryprotein gene from Ganoderma sinense in the basidiomycete Coprinopsis cinerea. Journal ofApplied Microbiology,2010,109(5):1838-1844.Qingsong Wang, Yong Liu, Xin Wang, Hong Sun, Xiaohong Yao, Yifei Wu, Jiangwu Tang*Xiangyang Ge*. Preparation and performance study of water purification bacteria embeddedsolid capsules based on texture profile analysis. Joural of Zhejiang University ( Agriculture &Life Sciences,2015,41(4):712-722.

  • Chinese patent: Yong liu, Shiwang Liu, Wenna Bao. A method for high accuracy geneknockout in Coprinus cinerea.Patent number:ZL201710017237.4Chinese patent: Yong liu, Shiwang Liu, Wenna Bao. A method for high accuracy homologousgene cloning in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Patent number: ZL201710017242.5Chinese patent: Yong liu, Shiwang Liu, Wenna Bao. A method for high accuracy geneknockout in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Patent number:ZL201710017243.XChinese patent: Yong liu, Yaqing Zhang, Junchong Cai, et al. A method for increasing GABAcontent in firuit body of Pleurotus geesteranus. Patent number:ZL201910058852.9Chinese patent: Yong liu,Jiangwu Tang,Xin wang,et al. A method for coating ofLactobacillus casei. Patent number:ZL201310626099.1Chinese patent: Yong liu, Jiangwu Tang, Xin wang, et al. A kind of immobilized fermentation

  • starter and its preparation method. Patent number:ZL201510234694.x

  • Chinese patent: Yaoxing Xu, Yong liu, Yanli Li, et al. A kind of a-galactosidase-loadedchitosan nanoparticles and its preparation method. Patent number: ZL200910307701.9