HU Yue
Brief Education and Work Background
Henan University, Masther of Mathematics , Sep 1997-Aug 2000
Zhejiang University of science and Technology , Mathematics (Master Tutor), Nov 2015-Present
Email: huyue@zust.edu.cn
Main Research Interests
1. The theory of probability limit theory .
2. Actuarial Mathematics
3. Financial Mathematics and Financial Engineering.
Main Research Projects
1. Zhejiang Provincial Science and Technology Plan Project, Research and Application of Key Technologies for Catastrophe Models and Catastrophe Insurance (2015C33088).
2. Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education Project, Common Shock Actuarial Model and Its Application in Catastrophe Insurance Research (Y201327793)
Main Published Papers
Published 51papers (18 SCI、EI、Scd、Scopus) as the first author and corresponding author.
[1] Yue Hu , Wenjing Jiang , Hongwei Dong, Muhammad Tariq ajeed,Transmission channels between financial efficiency and renewable energy consumption: Does nvironmental technology matter in high-polluting economies?. Journal of Cleaner roduction.2022,368:1-9.
[2] Hongwei Dong , Yue Hu , Yihe Yang and Wenjing Jiang,A Multi-Strategy Integration Prediction Model for Carbon Price. Energies ,2023,VOL 16, 1-19.
[3] Yue Hu, Hongling Dong, Le Fu, Jiayang Zhai. Fractional Stochastic Volatility Pricing of European Option Based on Self-Adaptive Differential Evolution. Journal of Mathematical Finance, 2022, 12, 547-565.
[4] Yue Hu, Jiayang Zhai, Le Fu, Hongling Dong, Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Coupling Coordination Degree of Tourism-Economy-Living Standard-Ecosystem in Coastal Areas of China.Creative Economy,2022, VOL. 6, NO. 2, 3-20.
[5] Hu Yue, Initial-boundary Value Problem for Coupled Nonlinear Heat Equations with Memory Term.BASIC & CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & OXICOLOGY,2020.
[6] Yue HU ,A two-factor mathematical model for the measurement of psychological
Health Of college students.Revista Argentina de Clinica Psicologica,2020, 1834-1838.
[7]Adikah Israe, Hu Yue, Chen Lanlan, Dependency between Stock Movements Using the Clayton Copula Method (Ghana Stock Exchange). International Journal of Science and Research, 2021, 9(3):511-518
1.Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Zhejiang University Press, Hangzhou,China,June 2020.
2.Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Science Press, Beijing, China, August 2012.