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Articles Wanted: The China Story of African Youth

Sep 2, 2024    Hits:

The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) is a collective dialogue mechanism between China and African countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, established in 2000. Its purpose is to facilitate an equal and mutually beneficial consultative process, enhance understanding, broaden consensus, strengthen friendship, and promote cooperation. Members of the Forum include China,  53 African countries that have established diplomatic relations with China and the Commission of the African Union. The 2024 Summit of FOCAC will be held from September 4 to 6 in Beijing. The theme of the summit is “Joining Hands to Advance Modernization and Build a High-Level China-Africa Community with a Shared Future”.  Leaders of FOCAC’s African members will attend the summit at the invitation of the forum. Representatives of relevant African regional organizations and international organizations will attend relevant forum events.

On the occasion of the Fourth Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), in order to further deepen the understanding of FOCAC and China-Africa Community with a Shared Future, and to share the stories of young Africans who have studied in China, as well as their reflections and insights on the in-depth promotion of China-Africa cooperation, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology(ZUST) will organize the essay writing activity on the theme of “The China story of African youth”.

I. Participants

African students currently studying in ZUST or graduated African alumni.

II. Requirements

1. Tell your personal stories or stories you know related to China with relevant insights and opinions. The content includes but is not limited to the impression of China, the construction of Chinese path to modernization, green and low-carbon development, China-Africa cooperation in building the Belt and Road, and the exchange and mutual learning between Chinese and African civilizations. No limitation on the style of the essay, no less than 1,000 Chinese words or 800-1,000 English words.

2. The content should be positive, with a certain degree of thoughtfulness and emotional appeal.

3.Your article should be original work. If it has been published in other media or platforms, please be sure to indicate that.

III. Time

From now on until September 30, 2024, you can send works related to the theme to Please use the unified email title: "The China story of African youth" - name - article title.

IV. Award Settings

This essay contest will set up several first, second and third prizes. The winners will receive certain rewards, and the relevant works will be promoted on the Wechat Official Account of SOIE as appropriate, and will be recommended to mainstream media in China or overseas for publication.

V. Selection Procedure

The School of International Education will organize relevant experts to review the submitted works, announce the results at the end of October and distribute rewards.

School of International Education (SOIE)

Zhejiang University of Science and Technology (ZUST)

Sep 2, 2024