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I am a ZUSTer and I’m proud!

Apr 30, 2021    Hits:

Advisor’s note:

Lushomo Jule seems a happy and energetic girl always on the way to the unexpected and other thrilling things. To me, besides being a student, she is also a singer, an explorer and a “business” starter. I like the way she is. It has always been important to dive yourself in the abundance of campus life, esp. in a different nation. Come on and wish you a happy ever and bright future.

My name is Lushomo Jule, a Postgraduate Civil Engineering student and International Student Union’s Minister of News and Publicity. I came to ZUST in March 2019 and it has been one of the most insightful experiences ever. As a new student, I was keen on enjoying campus life as well as enjoying extracurricular activities and ZUST did not disappoint me.

Run for Happiness, Run for Life

One of my most treasured memories was the ZUST colour run, organized by ISAC and ISU. The colour run is as it states: a run filled with colour. Students were positioned at strategic points to pelt unsuspecting runners with vibrant hues of pinks, yellows and blues. At the end of the run, we played a game of tug of war. This was a great way to relieve stress as well as interact with fellow ZUSTers.

2019 Colour Run

Campus Journey of Discovery

The abundance of clubs and sporting activities is also one of my favourite things about ZUST. Whether you’re a dancer, actor, writer or badminton master, there’s a place for you to practice and hone your skills. I am drawn to songs so of course I am a member of the Music Club. There is also a Chinese corner, an initiative started with the aim of sharpening your Chinese as well as learning and appreciating Chinese customs and culture.

ISU Music Club

Recording at the Studio for a Provincial Competition

Be Brace and Embrace the Working Chances

With Hangzhou being a technological and entrepreneurial hub, there is no shortage of job opportunities. There are regular ‘meet-and-greets’ with well established companies to aid in you in establishing yourself in Hangzhou, if you so wish.

The Campus Vibe in My Eyes

Out of all this that ZUST has to offer, my most cherished by far is the scenery. There’s seldom a time when I am not taken by surprise by the consistency of beauty that is portrayed. Spring or winter, ZUST is breathtaking. If you need a quiet place to sit down and relax, there isn’t a shortage of spot designed for this, including the charming café strategically located enroute to the classrooms.

Crystal Theatre captured by Peri

Words to other ZUSTers

Being a student is hard, talk less of being a student on a foreign country with cultures and norms you don’t understand. The one thing that I have learnt and would like to share with you is: Find something that centers you and lean into it. It could be your faith, exercise, a hobby, whatever. It will help refocus and realign you when study and life gets difficult. Remember to have time to relax and enjoy the blessing of being a ZUSTer.

Proud ZUSTers