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Safety Tips of Labor Day

Apr 30, 2021    Hits:

Dear students,

 2021 Labour holidays are approaching. The duration of the holiday is from May 1, 2021 to May 5, 2021. Please note that all classes will start on 6th of May. Please take note that May 8th is a working day, and don’t be absent from your classes. In order to have a safe, happy and meaningful holiday, ZUST wants to remind you of the holiday safety guidelines which are as follows:

1. Pay attention to pandemic prevention. Please do not leave Hangzhou without prior permission. For safety of all, please do not join or oganize gatherings. Wear a mask if you go to crowded places.

2. Pay attention to traffic safety and observe traffic regulations if you do need go out.

3. Abide by social morality and public order. Do not make noise in your room. Avoid smoking, drinking too much and please stay away from drugs.

4. Be careful with your valuables and take caution when use electricity, water, fire and so on.

5. Be cautious with telefraud and believe there is no free lunch in the world.

Please contact your advisor in case of emergencies. If you need urgent assistance, you can call one of the following numbers as well:

Public Security: 110 Fire: 119 First Aid: 120

We wish everyone to have a nice holiday!

International Student Affairs Center
