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Integrity and Discipline in the Final Exams

Jun 2, 2023    Hits:

A person cannot do anything without credibility. I believe your teachers told you many times, "Take a test of integrity, don't cheat!!!" Examination is not only a test of students’ knowledge and ability, but also a test of the integrity for every student. Students should abide by the bottom line of integrity and take the exam honestly.

Now let’s learn about the Detailed Rules for Identification and Punishments on Examination Regulations Violation of ZUST.

Article One  Examinees who commit one of the following acts shall be givena warning.Test scores will be recorded as a zero.Examinees can participate in make-up examinations.

1.Carrying unauthorized items into the examination room or put them on the unspecified location;

2.Not sitting in their designated seat or trying to change seats without the examination staff’s permission;

3.Refusing to show certificates for exams and refusing to answer exam staff for questioning;

4.Answering before exam start signal or after exam end signal is issued;

5.Borrowing or lending out exam utensils without the exam staff’s permission;

6.Attending examinations without exam qualifications or invigilating teacher’s permission;

7.Minor violations of the examination rules but haven’t constituted cheating behavior.

Article Two  Examinees who commit one of the following acts shall be given a serious warning. Test scores will berecorded as a zero. Examinees cannot participate in make-up examinationsand are required to repeat theprescribed and restrictive courses.

1.Answering with non-provided pen or paper, writing names or student ID in unspecified area of papers, marking on the answer sheet;

2.Peeping, whispering, giving secret signals or gesture during the exams.

3.Being forced to surrender answer sheets, scratch paper, etc, but never refuse or report;

4.Leaving the exam room without the exam staff’s permission;

5.Taking examination papers, answer sheets or scratch paper out of the exam room without the staff’s permission;

6.Making noises or disrupting examination orders in the examination room or the area prohibited by the Educational Testing Agencies;

7.Serious violations of the examination rules but haven’t constituted cheating behavior.

Article Three  Examinees who commit one of the following acts shall be recorded a demerit:

1.Participating in exams with exam related written material or other electronic devices with exam related information such as mobile phones;

2.Participating in exams with electronic devices with the function of searching, sending or receiving information;

3.Writing exam related information on the desktop or body and etc. and being found during exams;

4.Plagiarizing or assisting others to plagiarizing answers or exam related documents;

5.Passing, accepting papers and other items with exam related information or exchanging papers, answer sheets and scratch papers;

6.Leaving the exam room with excuses to peek at exam related documents, communicating with others about exam content, or being found carrying exam related material when return;

7.Destroying papers, answer sheets or exam materials on purpose;

8.Serious violation of examination rules or other behaviors which cause baneful influence or exam cheating.

Article Four Examinees who commit one of the following acts shall be put on probation:

1.The non- organizers of the pre-appointed cheating incident which includes more three partners;

2.Transmitting or receiving exam related information through communication tools during exams;

3.Snatching or stealing others’ papers and answer sheets or forcing others to help with the plagiarism;

4.Checking answers with each other, trying to take papers out of the examination room to modify or returning to modify papers after handing them in;

5.Receiving a demerit recording punishment for cheating in the examination, and cheating again during the punishment period shall be demerit recording punishment;

6.Serious violations of examination rules or other cheating behaviors.

Article Five  Examinees who commit one of the following acts shall be expelled from school:

1.Forging certificates, proofs, files and other material to get exam qualification or test scores;

2.Participating in the exams for other or asking others to participate for themselves;

3.Cheating by using communication equipment or other equipment during the examination;

4.The organizers of the pre-appointed cheating incident which includes more three partners;

5.Buying, selling or getting exam content or answers through theft or internet access;

6.Trying to change papers or exam scores through unfair means and illegal behaviors after the exams;

7.Cheating again during process of being kept in school but placed under surveillance within one semester;

8.Serious violations of examination rules, cheating, or other behaviors with vile plots and serious consequences.

We offer the following suggestions to all students.

1.Review carefully and prepare for the exam.

Reasonably arrange and plan review time for each subject. Do not play online games, and devote yourself to exam preparation. Show your real ability in the exam.

2.Study and rest regularly, keep body and mind healthy.

Reasonably plan your schedule and rest regularly. No cramming and do not disturb your roommate. Ventilate the room, wash your hands frequently, adjust your work and rest in time and prepare for the exam as soon as possible.

3.Ease your mind for the exam.

Treat the exam with a reasonable vision and embrace the exam with a positive attitude. Contempt it strategically and value it tactically. Pay attention to it instead of being nervous; relax instead of underestimating it.

4.Observe the discipline and take the examination with integrity.

Strictly observe discipline; do not sneak any material or copy others’ answer; do not peek at the test papers of others; do not bring electronic communication devices into the examination room. Take the test honestly and say no to cheating and fraud. Show your real ability in the exam honestly.

The holiday is coming soon, and don’t overwhelm yourself with  excitement~ Please prepare for exams carefully these days and soak yourself in the library or study room ~ It’s never too late to get excited after the exam! We wish you all get good results in the final exam! ! !