一、平台介绍 (Platform Introduction):
中国浙江科技学院官方认证的海外社交媒体/ZUST Official International Media Team (ZUSTIM)
二、征稿主题 (Manuscript Theme)
三、长期征稿栏目 (Long-term Column)
1. 五洲同创(浙科教育专栏)
My Education (ZUST Education Column)
2. 五洲留声(浙科留学生/校友专栏)
My Voice (ZUST International Students / Alumni Column)
3. 五洲青春(浙科校园生活专栏)
My Life (Campus Life Column)
4. 五洲游华(中国文化专栏)
My Chinese Culture (Chinese Culture Column)
四、稿件要求 (Manuscript / Submissions Requirements)
1. 稿件形式可以为文章、照片图组、短视频或微电影等,来稿请附带姓名、笔名(如有)、电话、邮箱;
Submissions can be in form of articles (text), photos, short videos or microfilms, etc. Information including name (ID), pseudonym (if any), telephone number and email address need to be attached;
2. 稿件文字为英文,其他语言投稿者请将稿件自行翻译为英文;
For all forms of submissions, the main language is English, submissions containing Chinese or other languages must be translated;
3. 文章逻辑结构清晰,文字表达通顺,内容积极向上宣传正能量;
Text Manuscripts: The logic and expression must be clear and unique; the content must be positive;
4. 投稿照片请配上文字说明,并原图打包发送;
Photo submissions: Please submit original and good quality images with captions;
5. 投稿视频画面清晰并配有视频介绍,中国学生投稿的视频作品注意视频增加英文字幕,内容注意隐私保护;
Video Submissions
(i) The video must be clear, of good quality and a brief introduction must be provided;
(ii) Video works containing languages other than English must have English subtitles;
(iii) Pay attention to content privacy protection;
6. 来稿请注明“主题 / 栏目+题目”;
Please indicate "theme / column + title" in the submission;
五、注意事项 (Precautions)
1. 投稿作品必须为原创,涉嫌抄袭或著作版权纠纷者,责任自负;
The submitted works must be original, and those suspected of plagiarism or copyrights disputes shall bear the responsibility;
2. 不涉及政治、宗教等敏感话题、不得含有违法信息、禁止包含商业广告;
The submitted works must be original, and those suspected of plagiarism or copyrights disputes shall bear the responsibility;
3. 不得一稿多投;
Once an article is accepted, it is not allowed to submit to other media;
六、投稿说明 (Submission Remarks)
1. 稿酬设置:稿件一经使用,本平台将根据文章篇幅与内容支付作者相应稿酬人民币30-120元/稿,请务必留下详实联系信息。
Reward System: Once the article is used, the content provider will be given a corresponding remuneration of RMB 30-120 yuan for each work. Please remember to provide contact details; email address, phone number and other information required.
2. 审核周期:3—5个工作日,所有投稿作品会邮件回复是否被录用,请注意查阅。
Review: The manuscript review period is 3-5 days, a reply will be sent to the content provider’s email address. Please regularly check your emails.
七、联系方式 (Contact Us)
1. 投稿邮箱 (Submission Email): zustmedia@126.com
2. Facebook粉丝群组: To Be Announced(敬请期待)