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FAQs for Current students/老生开学事宜有问必答

Sep 15, 2020    Hits:


Q: What is the school calendar like for the 2020 Autumn semester?



Registration Day

Classes Begin

Winter Holiday

Current students

Sept. 17-20, 2020

Sept. 21, 2020

Jan.28 to Feb.27,   2021


Q: When will international students who are currently outside China be allowed to re-enter the country?

A: Due to the uncertainty of the pandemic, there is no estimated time the university can provide. As soon as we receive any information about the time and date, we will inform all students immediately.


Q: Can students enter China as usual for the new semester?

A: According to the current situation of epidemic prevention and control, students who are outside China cannot enter the country due to travel restrictions and entry requirements can register online and join online learning.


Q: When and how can current students register?

A: All current students need to register online from Sept. 17-20, 2020. Thereafter you are required to submit your personal information, proof of fee payment, visa page, accommodation address(for students in China), health code(for students in China),which your advisor will tell you how to do soon in your class wechat group. In addition, students in China need to bring their passports, student ID book, 14-day itinerary, health code, accommodation registration (off-campus) for offline registration on Sept. 19, 2020 at the West Library Building 407 and 409 of ZUST.


Q: If the current students can’t register on time, what will happen?

A: If students cannot register on time or provide complete materials, please apply for leave with your ISAC advisor before September 21. Those who fail to complete registration before Sept. 30, 2020 will be deemed to have given up their study automatically, and the university will expel the students according to the procedures.


Q: What should students do if they have questions about make-up examinations, course selection and classes for the new semester?

A: For these specific questions, please ask the teacher in charge of teaching and academic affairs of your major school in time when the semester begins.


Q: I am a current student in China and my visa is about to expire, what should I do?

A: Students who are in China need to finish fee payment and contact their respective advisor two weeks in advance to prepare all relevant visa application materials.


Q: When will the scholarship results be announced?

A: ZUST students scholarship committee is working on it and hopefully the result will be announced by the end of September after official evaluation process. Please wait patiently.


Q: Due to the impact of the pandemic, will the tuition fee be adjusted if the course is changed to online teaching?

A: Regardless of the specific teaching format is offline or online, the university will go all out to provide students with complete, substantial high-quality education opportunities. According to government and the university’s policies, there will be no change in tuition fees for the 2020/2021 academic year.


Q: How to pay my new semester tuition fee?

A: 1. Using Alipay: We have started utilizing Alipay’s QR code which can greatly simplify your fee payment. Please click this link to get payment steps:

2. By Bank Transfer/International Remittance

If you don’t have an Alipay account or you are not in China, you can choose bank transfer or international remittance. Please send the picture of bank transfer to your advisor and bring the payment receipt and its photocopy when you come to campus. Here is our account information:

名: 浙 江 科 技 学 院

号: 19-030101040006801(人民币)



开户行: 中国农业银行杭州市保俶支行


址: 杭州市曙光路122

话: 0086 571 85774115

Name: Zhejiang University of Science and Technology

Account: 19-030101040006801RMB

19030114040001011US Dollars


Bank: Agricultural Bank of China, Hangzhou Baochu Sub-Branch

Swift Code: ABOCCNBJ110

Add: No.122, Shuguang Road, Hangzhou, China

Phone: 0086 571 85774115


Q: What is the deadline for fee payment?

A: According to the university regulations, students are required to pay one-year fees within one month after the new semester begins, which is October 15,2020.

If you have any questions about registration of the new semester, please contact your ISAC advisor in time.