Alumni Activities

Alumni Meeting·Virtual Reunion Meeting Successfully Held

Feb 1, 2023    Hits:

ZUST e-Home for Intl’ Alumni is set as an online space where ZUST alumni and current ZUSTers can virtually meet to share updates,experiences and stories in the form of online reunions,seminars and talks,lectures,etc.The e-home is dedicated to strengthening bonds among ZUST alumni and between alumni and ZUST.

Recently,alumni of Class of 2015 met in the ZOOM space after 6 years’graduation and surprised to find many ZUST teachers also online smiling and greeting to them.This is the second online reunion meeting for Class of 2015,with the previous one for students majoring in civil engineering.

What is this reunion meeting about?After 6 years’separation and loss of contact,alumni were a bit shy though eager to share updates and good old memories in ZUST.The question “who was your favorite teacher in ZUST and tell us why”well served as an ice-breaker.The familiar faces of Ms.HUANG Zhuye,MS.WEI Jianhua,Mr.GAO Zhisheng,Ms.SUN Lan,Mr.Bill Markle,Prof.Dave,etc.on the ZOOM platform created a wave of greetings and smile exchanges.Ms.TONG Yunyun,the dean of School of International Education,extended warm welcome and profound care to alumni present and wished the reunion meeting a complete success.

Reliving the past via memorial slides and video not only helped reconnect alumni but also enabled them to actively share their updates of personal lives and working experience.Two pairs of alumni even found their accompanies working and living in the same city through this reunion,which added to the charm of this online reunion.To enable in-depth communications and experience sharing,the online reunion introduced 5 small themed talks in academicians and researchers,career path changes,travelers,sport teammates and Tingsong/ZUST/Hangzhou respectively.

“It is incredible to see my ZUST family Class of 2015 after so many years and to talk about old times.Then I was fortunate to meet our teacher like Sun,Markle after 6 years.I am thrilled you know…I am out of words when we meet each other after so long.So much to speak &discuss though we are in touch through technology.”said Vardhaman Kothari from India,who currently works in Canada, “It was nice to see so many of us are successful in our careers,living in different parts of the world.Some even got married and brought kids to the reunion,beautiful.Those 2 hours were surely not enough to catch,so much to talk.We surely missed our friends and were able to have relived some of his beautiful moments with us.I am very grateful to be part of this family and the chance to see them again.Hopefully we can have another one sooner than later.”

This reunion is organized and presided by Mr.Dibu Dave Mbako,the president of the International Student Alumni Association,and supported by School of International Education(SOIE) of ZUST.SOIE and International Student Alumni Association is dedicated to serving and empowering ZUST international alumni to go beyond -beyond borders,limits and expectations.