2024年3月18日,由教育部中外语言交流合作中心主办、浙江科技大学国际教育学院承办的“汉语桥”线上团组交流项目——“赏诗画浙江 品宋韵之美”如期开营。来自越南、老挝、马来西亚、泰国、孟加拉、摩洛哥、埃及等国家的近400名学员相聚云端,开启了线上汉语学习和中国宋韵文化、杭州数智经济的体验之旅。
On March 18, 2024, the Chinese Bridge online project "Picturesque Zhejiang, Charming Song Yun Culture" was successfully launched at Zhejiang University of Science and Technology. Nearly 400 participants from Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand, Bangladesh, Morocco, Egypt, and other countries gathered virtually to embark on an online journey of learning Mandarin Chinese and experiencing China's Song Dynasty culture as well as the digital smart economy in Hangzhou.

The Party Secretary of SOIE, Xia Junsuo, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a welcoming speech. Xia expressed warmest welcome and sincere greetings to the students and also extended heartfelt thanks to the Center for Language Education and Cooperation under the Ministry of Education for their consistent strong support to our institution. Xia stated that the Chinese Bridge Online Program serves as a bridge for overseas students who are passionate about Chinese culture and aspire to study in China. This project offers them an online platform to learn Mandarin, explore China virtually, and gain firsthand insights into Zhejiang Province.
开营仪式结束后,学员们带着满腔热情进入汉语课程直播间学习中文。开营当天,“赏诗画浙江 品宋韵之美”项目还为学员们开设了主题为“杭城的国际化以及国际人才的未来发展机遇”“跟着古诗词游杭州”等讲座,学员们反响热烈,热议不断。
After the opening ceremony, the students entered the online classroom with great enthusiasm to commence their Chinese language lessons and other online lectures.

本次“赏诗画浙江 品宋韵之美”线上项目为期两周,除了汉语课程外,浙江科技大学的老师们还为学员们精心打造了“跟着古诗词游西湖”“别样乡村”“杭州与茶”“杭城的国际化”“智慧杭州在奔跑”等文化、经济、科技类系列课程,让学员们从云端走进浙江,感受特色文化,了解高新科技,体验杭城生活,并以此为桥梁,结交各国朋友,开展跨文化交流,化身国际宣传使者,传播中国好声音。
The online project spans over a two-week period, during which, in addition to Mandarin courses, teachers from ZUST have designed a series of cultural, economic, and technological classes, such as "Exploring West Lake Through Ancient Poetry", "Unique Villages", "Hangzhou and Tea", "The Internationalization of Hangzhou", “Smart Hangzhou Powered by Data” and so on. These courses enable students to virtually immerse themselves in Zhejiang's distinctive culture, gain insights into cutting-edge technologies, experience life in Hangzhou, and use this platform as a bridge to form friendships with people from various countries, engage in cross-cultural exchanges, and serve as international ambassadors.