My name is Ebawak (Eba), a senior student of ZUST, majoring in Applied Physics: 3D laser technology. I came here for the first time in mid-September of 2016.
As a freshman back then, everything was new to me – different from what I expected to see. That’s when I convinced myself that I had to adapt to this place quickly. One of the things that I need to know was the Chinese food, particularly how to use chopsticks. It was fun to discover different Chinese food. Apart from the food, getting to know different people around the campus was also challenging. But as the times went by I got to meet different people and classmates who were awesome people.

I came to ZUST with a Zhejiang provincial scholarship. I was told if I want to keep my scholarship I needed to maintain an excellent GPA throughout my four years of study. Since the day I started my classes as freshman, I took my education seriously. I worked very hard during class participations. I made sure my homework and assignments are done on time. Throughout my 4 year study, I maintained an excellent GPA of on average 4.22. This helped me to win two excellent degree students scholarships, two Zhejiang provincial government scholarships, one hardworking scholarship and two social service scholarships.

Once I became part of the ISU, things got very busy. There were different school related and non-school related activities to be part of. That’s when I learned how to manage my time. Even though things were challenging back then, they were worth the effort. Because it was one of the times where I enjoyed being with different students who are just like me.

By the end of my 2nd year study, I had already participated in different activities and won awards. When I heard our school is holding a competition for its top 10 students, I knew right away I had to be part of it so I applied for it. It was one of my happiest moments when I won the award for the top 10 students of ZUST alongside my friends who I have been working with in ISU.

The fact that I maintained good relationship with my teachers from my 1st year till 4th year helped me to be an active student. My teachers had confidence in me which in turn boost my confidence. Today, I’m glad to say I’m graduating as one of the outstanding graduates of ZUST and the only students from the School of Science with an Honors Bachelor Degree.
Finally I just want to take this chance to say thank you to all my teachers and friends in ZUST. I also would like to congratulate my entire 2016 batch. It wasn’t an easy one but we did it – congrats to all of us.