On June 21st ,theCAB was held here at ZUST in our Alumni house. The salon’s mainpurpose is to allow African students to develop their start-ups and having themexposed to more opportunities for entrepreneurship between China and Africa.
The event featured aprofessor from Zhejiang Normal University and two up-and-coming AfricanEntrepreneurs. Professor Zhao introduced the CAB and also highlighted his viewson trade with Africa. He explained how the youth can become empowered andsuccessful if they pursue their dreams. Another guest In addition to ProfessorZhao, another guest speaker well known in our University, Gaston Mpande, sharedhis experience in China; specifically the process of how he registered histrade company and later obtained a workvisa right after graduating from his undergraduate degree. Our third host, JohnMpande, also spoke about his progress for registering a tech company and discussed what it takes to become an entrepreneur in Computer Science.

Many visionary students with ideals ofstarting their own business attended the salon. At the end of the session,thehost Fistone opened the floor for attendees to ask the speakers questions.Furthermore, attendees also gained a better understanding of the logistics andprocesses of trade and business between China and Africa.