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留声 Voice of Graduates / Shylvana Felinsia -放歌青春,逐梦浙科

Jun 23, 2020    Hits:

Hello! My name is Shylvana Felinsia from Indonesia. I am graduating from Business Chinese this year. I could say, all those years of hard work finally paid off.

I have been in China for 5 years. I used to study in another city before I transferred to ZUST in 2017. Back then I already had HSK 4, so based on the university’s rule I chose to skip first year and directly jump to the second year. These past 3 years at ZUST, I would say that it has been a very interesting journey. There were many ups and downs, and I could even still remember the time when I struggled so much that I almost gave up my study here and almost decided to go back home. I am grateful that I kept on pushing. All these experiences have made me grow as a stronger and more mature person. I am glad that I came to ZUST to obtain my bachelor degree, although there is still space for improvement, I am quite proud of how far I’ve developed in my Chinese skill.

During my university life here, I really like to participate in a lot of activities in and outside ZUST. By taking parts in many kinds of activities, I got the chance to meet new people, challenge myself to learn many new things and have fun besides studying. One of my most unforgettable experiences here, was the times when me and my band called the Quattrone (that consists of other 5 best Indonesian brothers of mine) got invited to perform in many kinds of occasions which we enjoyed so much. I really love singing, and it has always been my dream to be a singer. I love to entertain people through my music and that is why it always felt really nice when people loved and appreciated what we presented for them.

It has been an unforgettable adventure at ZUST.I hope that ZUST will continue to develop into a greater institution for students from all over the world.

For all the graduates, CONGRATULATIONS! Although this year is pretty difficult due to the pandemic, we had to finish our final project through online. We could not have a proper graduation ceremony like the previous graduates, despite of all the things, WE MADE IT! We are truly champions! I hope you are always safe wherever you are. It has been a pleasure to spend so many memories together with you, and I hope we can meet again one day, somewhere in another part of the world. See you on top, beloved mates!

For all the juniors that are currently still on the race, always try to push yourself more because your time here is really precious and it will not ever turn back. It is the time for you to find out what you are capable of. Do not waste your youth age by not exploring things and end up regretting later. Seize as many opportunities as possible, do your best, give your best and be your best self! Good luck!

At last I would like to show my biggest gratitude to all of the teachers in my department, ISAC teachers, and all my friends that always believe in what I can do, never stop supporting us and always push us to grow better.