一、 项目介绍
Program introduction
This free online program aims at meeting the learning needs of Chinese culture and language lover, maintaining their enthusiasm and improving their Chinese proficiency.
Except Chinese language courses, this program will also present a series of lectures about modern China, which will showcase China from aspects of Zhejiang economy, internet, technological achievement. Meanwhile, Hangzhou will be introduced as a miniature of modern intellectual cities of China so as to display modern China to students of this program.
1. 课程内容:汉语综合、汉语听说、汉语阅读以及“当代中国”系列讲座。
Courses of program: Comprehensive Chinese, Chinese Listening and Speaking, Chinese Reading and series lectures of modern China.
2. 开课时间:2021年1月11-25日
Time: January 11-25, 2021
3. 招生规模:100人,3个班,根据汉语水平不同,进行分班教学。
Enrollment amount: 100. Students will be divided into 3 classes according to their Chinese level.
4. 报名时间:2020年12月1日至12月22日
Registration time: December 1-22, 2020
REQUIREMENTS: All applicants shall be
1. 汉语非母语且对中国文化和汉语有兴趣者。
Non-Chinese native speakers who are interested in Chinese culture and language.
2. 身心健康,品学兼优。
In good physical and mental condition, well performed both academically and behaviorally.
3. 学员须在结课后提交视频反馈(Vlog),展示学习成果、心得并同意我校将其视频上传到“汉语桥”官网。
Students of this program are required to submit Vlog to show their study achievement and feelings. Meanwhile, applicants of this program will be seen as no objection to the submission of their videos to “Chinese Bridge” website.
1. 下载附件中的申请表
Download the application form in attachment.
2. 填写申请信息
Fill in application information
3. 将申请表和申请材料发至chinesebridgezust@163.com
Send application form and materials to chinesebridgezust@163.com
Application Documents
A. A Scanned copy of passport photo page
B. Transcript of highest education
Those who have already applied through application system do not need to apply again through email.
联系方式 Contact
International Student Affairs Center, ZUST
E-mail: chinesebridgezust@163.com
Tel: +86-571-85070141, +86-571-85070080, +86-571-85070095
No. 318, Liuhe Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province
附件 Attachment:
Application form for Chinese bridge.docx