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Scholarship Application Guideline for New International Students, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology (ZUST)

Feb 22, 2022    Hits:



In order to encourage and support more excellent international students to study in our university, Zhejiang University of Science and TechnologyZUSTprovides various forms of scholarship programs for international students such as Chinese Government Scholarship, International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship, Zhejiang Provincial Government ScholarshipType A and Type Band Scholarship for Outstanding New Students of ZUST.

Scholarship applicants must complete the application of the major and scholarship online and be eligible to participate in the scholarship selection after getting the pre-admission of major they applied for.

ZUST online application website:


1. 非中国籍公民,身体健康


2. 品德良好,无犯罪记录;愿意遵守中华人民共和国的法律、法规和学校有关规章制度;提供无吸毒、无涉毒承诺;

3. 学历和年龄要求:

l 来华学习本科专业者,须具有高中毕业学历,成绩优秀,年龄不超过30岁;

l 来华攻读硕士学位者,须具有学士学位,年龄不超过35岁;

l 作为普通进修生来华学习者,须具有高中及以上学历,年龄不超过40岁;

l 作为高级进修生来华学习者,须为硕士在读或具有硕士及以上学位,年龄不超过45岁。

4. 所有申请者都需要参加入学考试或考核。


1. Applicants must be a citizen of a country other than the People’s Republic of China, and be in good health.

Note: According to the regulations of the Ministry of Education of China, those who emigrated to other countries from the Main land China, Hong Kong, Macao, or Taiwan and applying to study in ZUST as international students, should meet the following additional requirements: the applicants must hold valid passport or other relevant international recognized documents for at least 4years; meanwhile, in the latest 4years(by April 30th, 2022), the applicants must have lived overseas for 2 years(Living overseas for 9 months can be converted to 1 year, which is subject to the exit-entry stamp on visa).

2. Good moral character and no criminal record; Willing to abide by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and the relevant rules and regulations of the school; Provide drug-free commitment.

3. The requirements for applicants’ degree and age are that applicants must:

l Be a high school graduate under the age of 30 when applying for the undergraduate programs;

l Be a bachelor’s degree holder under the age of 35 when applying for the master’s programs;

l Be under the age of 40 and have a high school diploma (or higher) when applying for the general scholar programs;

l Be enrolled in a master's program or be a master’s degree holder (or above) under the age of 45 when applying for the senior scholar programs.

4.  All the applicants need to take the university entrance examination.



l 申请中文授课专业,近两年内的汉语水平考试(HSK)成绩应达到以下标准:



l 申请英文授课专业,近两年内英语成绩应达到以下标准:




Language Ability

Applicants applying for Chinese Government Scholarship, Zhejiang Provincial Government Scholarship and Scholarship for Outstanding New Students of ZUST must meet the following language requirements:

l If you are applying for Chinese-taught programs, HSK certificates within two years are required (HSK refers to Chinese Proficiency Test. You can find information on

Chinese-taught Bachelor Programs: HSK 4 above 180International Economics and Trade, Civil Engineering (Chinese- German Cooperative Program), Industrial Engineering (Chinese-German Cooperative Program) require HSK5 above 180.

Chinese-taught Master Programs: HSK 5 above 180.

l If you are applying for English-taught programs, English proficiency such as IELTS or TOEFL within two years are required.

English-taught Bachelor Programs: IELTS 5.5 or TOFEL IBT 80 or above.

English-taught Master Programs: IELTS6.0 or TOFEL IBT 85 or above.

We also accept other internationally recognized English proficiency tests with scores of the same level and proof of certificate in needed. If you have passed the Entrance English Test of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology (ZUST), you are also eligible for the application.

学业水平要求 Academic Requirements


l 具有高中及以上学历,应届高中毕业生由在读学校开具预毕业证明以证明申请者有能力于2022年7月前顺利毕业;

l 提供成绩单,成绩优秀。;

l 年龄不超过30岁。

For Bachelor’s Programs

l Applicant should be a high school graduate or above, fresh high school graduates will be issued a pre-graduation certificate by the school they are attending to prove their ability to graduate smoothly by July 2022.

l Applicant should provide high school transcript with excellent results..

l Applicants should be under the age of 30.


l 具有学士学位并提供学士学位证书,应届生由在读学校开具预毕业证明以证明申请者有能力于2022年7月前顺利毕业并取得学位证书;

l 具有相关本科专业背景,或本科阶段修读过相关专业课程,提供成绩单,成绩优秀;

l 年龄不超过35岁

For Master’s Programs

l Applicant needs to have a bachelor's degree and provide the bachelor's degree certificate. Graduating student should provide the pre-graduation certificate issued by the school they are studying in to prove their ability to graduate smoothly and obtain their degree certificates by July 2022.

l Relevant undergraduate academic background is required. Or Applicants have completed undergraduate-level courses relevant to in-tended graduate major. Applicant should provide undergraduate transcript with excellent results.

l Applicants should be under the age of 35.


Regarding qualification of International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship, please refer to Application Guide for International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship 2022



Chinese Government Scholarship (CSC)


Who can apply: Undergraduate applicants, postgraduate applicants.



How to apply:

For application of Chinese Government Scholarship (CSC), please refer to the website


1. 中国政府奖学金申请表。

2. 学历证明、成绩单、学习计划、健康证明及推荐信等相关申请材料。

Application Documents for Chinese Government Scholarship

1. Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship.

2. Notarized photocopies of diplomas, transcripts, study plan, health certificate and recommendation letters.


International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship (Confucius Institute Scholarship)


Who can apply: Undergraduate applicants, postgraduate applicants, general applicants (Chinese language program).



申请方式 How to apply


For application of International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship, please refer to the website of Center for Language Education and Cooperation:


1. 与所有申请者有关的证明材料

l 护照照片页扫描件。

l HSK、HSKK 成绩报告(有效期两年)扫描件。

l 推荐机构负责人的推荐信。

2. 与学历生有关的证明材料

l 提供最高学历证明(毕业预期证明)和在校学习成绩单。

l 汉语国际教育专业硕士须提供两名副教授以上职称导师的推荐信。提供毕业后拟任教机构工作协议者优先资助。

3. 在职中文教师须附上就职机构出具的在职证明和推荐信。

4. 未满 18 周岁的申请者,须提交在华监护人署名的委托证明文件。

5. 申请者还须提供接收院校要求的其他证明材料。

Application Documents for International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship

1. For all applicants:

l A scanned copy of passport photo page;

l A scanned copy of score reports of the HSK and HSKK tests (within the two-year validity);

l A reference letter by the head of the recommending institutions.

2. For degree scholarship program applicants:

l A certification of the highest education diploma (or proof of expected graduation) and an official transcript;

l Applicants of the Scholarship for MTCSOL students are required to provide 2 reference letters from professors or associate professors. Priority will be given to applicants who may provide a work contract with a teaching institution upon completing their studies in China or a proof to the same effect.

3. Applicants currently working as Chinese language teachers shall provide proof of employment as well as a reference letter by the employer.

4. Applicants under the age of 18 shall provide certified documents of designation signed by their entrusted legal guardians in China.

5. Applicants shall also provide additional documents required by the host institutions.


Zhejiang Provincial Government Scholarship


Who can apply: Undergraduate applicants, postgraduate applicants.


l 本科生:20000元

l 硕士研究生:30000元

Scholarship coverage

Bachelor’s programs: 20000RMB

Master’s programs: 30000RMB




3. 经过公证的最高学历证明和学习成绩单扫描件;


5. 已在中国学习的学生需提交原学校的学习表现证明;

6. 语言水平证明;

7. 来华学习和研究计划,用中文或英文书写;


9. 无犯罪记录证明;无吸毒、无涉毒承诺书;

Application Documents for Zhejiang Provincial Government Scholarship

1. Application form for Zhejiang Province government scholarship.

2. Scanned copy of passport and all visa pages in China.

3. Scanned copy of notarized highest diploma and transcripts.

4. 1 or 2 recommendation letters (in Chinese or English).

5. Students already in China should provide transfer letter or study certificate given by the previous school with attendance rate and study performance.

6. Language proficiency certificate.

7. Study Plan (in Chinese or English).

8. Foreigner physical examination form.

9. Certificate of no criminal record; no drug use or drug-related commitment letter.


Scholarship for Outstanding New Students of ZUST


Who can apply: New students in Bachelor’s programs and Master’s programs.






Levels and Quotas for Scholarships

The first level: 100% of the annual tuition fee of students’ first academic year

The second level: 70% of the annual tuition fee of students’ first academic year

The third level: 50% of the annual tuition fee of students’ first academic year

The fourth level: 30% of the annual tuition fee of students’ first academic year


Promotion Scholarship of ZUST

不超过5000元。No more than 5000RMB.



When to apply: Jan. 1, 2022-June. 30, 2022


l 登陆浙江科技学院在线申请系统,完成学历项目申请和奖学金申请,通过材料审核和入学考核后取得浙江科技学院学历项目预录取通知书,并在线支付400元报名费(不予退还)和3000元预交学费;

l 浙江科技学院奖学金评审委员会审核申请材料,确定奖学金候选人;

l 奖学金候选人名单公示;

l 奖学金获得者获得奖学金证书。

How to apply

l Login in to complete the online application of study and Scholarship for Outstanding New Students of ZUST, and receive Pre-admission notice after the approval of documents review and enrollment test. And then pay the application fee(400RMB) which is non-refundable and pre-paid tuition fee(3000RMB).

l Zhejiang University of Science and Technology Scholarship Committee will review the application materials and determine scholarship candidates’ list.

l Zhejiang University of Science and Technology Scholarship Committee will publish the scholarship candidates’ list.

l Scholarship recipients will get official Scholarship Notice.




3. 经过公证的最高学历证明和学习成绩单扫描件;

4. 1-2封推荐信,用中文或英文书写;

5. 已在中国学习的学生需提交原学校的学习表现证明;

6. 语言水平证明;

7. 来华学习和研究计划,用中文或英文书写;


9. 无犯罪记录证明;无吸毒、无涉毒承诺书;

10.  经济担保函(提供至少一年学费相当金额的存款证明);

Application Documents for Zhejiang Provincial Government Scholarship

1. Application form for Scholarship of ZUST.

2. Scanned copy of passport and all visa pages in China.

3. Scanned copy of notarized highest diploma and transcripts.

4. 1 or 2 recommendation letters (in Chinese or English).

5. Students already in China should provide transfer letter or study certificate given by the previous school with attendance rate and study performance.

6. Language proficiency certificate.

7. Study Plan (in Chinese or English).

8. Foreigner physical examination form.

9. Certificate of no criminal record; no drug use or drug-related commitment letter.

10. Letter of financial guarantee (provide proof of deposit of an equivalent amount for at least one academic year of tuition).


1. 被录取学生须在规定时间缴纳预交学费(3000元),否则无法进入奖学金候选人资格。奖学金获得者须按照学校规定的时间办理报到、注册手续。未经批准而逾期不报到者,取消奖学金资格。

2. 奖学金获得者在开学时需提交所有申请材料原件进行入学资格复核和报到注册,未通过入学资格复核的学生无法报到注册并将被取消奖学金资格和入学资格。


4. 奖学金招生政策由浙江科技学院国际教育学院负责解释。


1. Admitted students are required to pay seat fee (prepaid tuition,3000RMB) in time ,otherwise they can not be considered as scholarship candidates.Scholarship recipients must complete the registration and enrollment on scheduled time in accordance with the university regulations. Those who miss the deadline without approval will be disqualified from scholarship.

2. Scholarship recipients are required to bring all original documents for registration and qualification review. Students who fail in the qualification review will be rejected to register and be disqualified from scholarship and admission.

3. School of International Education (SOIE) is responsible for the selection of the winners of the Scholarship. After the preliminary selection of the received application materials, the SOIE shall forward the selected material to the subordinate schools for reviewing, and the final decision will be made by the Scholarship Selection Committee of the University. At the end of the first semester, the SOIE will conduct a review over the scholarship winners’ academic performance, their attendance records, and their personal conduct. If the recipients of the Scholarship

1) Fail to pass the required courses

2) Fail to keep a good attendance record required by the SOIE (reasons include sick leave, personal leave and absenteeism)

3) Fail to participate the examination

4) Cheat in the examinations

5) Have been imposed of a punishment of warning or above

will not be able to receive the scholarship in the next semester.

The recipients passing the review shall continue to have their Scholarship in the next semester.

4. Those items shall be explained by the School of International Education (SOIE), Zhejiang University of Science and Technology (ZUST).

Contact Us

School of International Education (SOIE), ZUST

Tel: 0086-571-8507-0141; 0086-571-85070095; 0086-571-85070080

Fax: 0086-571-8507-0146



Mailing Address:

School of International Office, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology,

No.318, Liu-he-Lu, Hangzhou, 310023, Zhejiang, P. R. China.