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Safety Reminders

Apr 2, 2022    Hits:

Dear students,

Qingming Festival is approaching. Holiday schedule and safety reminders are as follows:

1.Holiday time:

April 3 (Sunday) to April 5 (Tuesday)a total of 3 days.

Class transfer schedule: April 2nd (Saturday) to make up for April 4th (Monday of the 7th week of the teaching week).

2.Safety Reminders

1)Stay around your residential community and cut trips/gathering within Hangzhou to its minimum. For students who need to go outside Hangzhou, please ask for leave permit from your advisor IN ADVANCE with VALID REASON. Leaving Hangzhou without approval will be deemed as a severe violation of ZUST regulations and hence a ZUST warning for getting dispelled will be issued accordingly. In addition, students who plan to return to Hangzhou need apply from your advisor IN ADVANCE.

2)Proper personal protection measures like wearing a mask in public, washing hands frequently, reducing unnecessary gatherings and avoiding visiting crowded places should be taken.

3)Finish health report everyday before 12:00 at noon.Report to your advisor if your health code changes color or if you have fever, cough or other symptoms.

4) Cherish your life and stay away from drugs.

5)Pay attention to the traffic safety and wear a helmet while driving.

6)Cooking or lodging guests in your school dormitory is forbidden. Please use the public kitchen for cooking.

Take care and thank you for your cooperation. Wish you nice holiday!