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2024 ZUST Graduation Ceremony Held 2024届毕业典礼暨学位授予仪式顺利举行

来源: 王飘飘 发布日期:2024-06-26 作者: 浏览量:

6月24日上午,浙江科技大学2024届学生毕业典礼暨学士学位授予仪式举行。校党政班子成员出席典礼,共同见证2024届毕业生完成学业,开启人生新篇章。校长陈建孟以“以科大之名 赴未来之约”为题,为毕业生上“最后一课”。

The Graduation Ceremony and Bachelor's Degree Award Ceremony of ZUST were held on June 24th,2024. University leaders attended the ceremony to witness the completion of graduates studies and the opening of a new chapter in their lives. President Chen Jianmeng delivered a farewell speech to all graduates.


President speech from Prof. Chen Jianmeng.


To award Alumni Liaison Certificates


Speech by International Student Representative Sanchez Rivera Daniel Enrique


To award Honor Degree


To award Bachelor Degree


All the best in your future endeavors.

