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五洲同窗,启航未来--2024届留学生毕业GALA举行 2024 Graduation Gala

来源: 徐强 柴敏越 发布日期:2024-06-27 作者: 浏览量:


On the evening of June 25, 2024, the graduation ceremony of the class of 2024 international students of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology was held in Xixingyuan International Hotel. Xia Junsuo, Secretary of School of International Education, Ye Han, Dean of School of Humanities, Jiang Guoquan, Secretary of the Sports Department, Cai Xiaoyu, Vice Secretary of the School of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, faculty representatives of relevant secondary colleges, and more than 100 international students and their relatives and friends attended this graduation GALA together.


Xia Junsuo, on behalf of the school, expressed warm congratulations and hopes to the graduating international students, and sent the most sincere wishes for them. Students are encouraged to plan their lives scientifically, uphold the attitude of lifelong learning, and make continuous progress. At the same time, the secretary hoped that the students will not forget their Alma Mater and take practical actions to be an ambassador for cultural exchange and communication between China and the world.

来自韩国的校优秀毕业生KIM JUHO(金主虎)代表全体毕业生发表毕业感言。他表示,自己一定会牢记学校嘱托,将在中国的所见所闻和家人朋友分享,让中外友谊之花开遍世界。

KIM JUHO, an outstanding graduate from South Korea, delivered a graduation speech on behalf of all the graduates. He said that he will bear in mind the school's instructions and share what he has seen and heard in China with his family and friends, so that the world can better understand China and spread the friendship between China and other countries.

表演环节,蒙古留学生表演的传统舞蹈《我们是蒙古人》、国际教育学院教师代表闾朱涛独唱《off my face》、留学生合唱《在杭州等你》将晚会推上了高潮。

In the performance section, the students from Mongolia showed their traditional dance "We are Mongolians", and the teacher representative Lu Zhutao sang the song off my face affectionately to send graduation wishes to the students. Finally, the international students sang "Waiting for you in Hangzhou" to express their deep attachment to the Zhejiang University of Science and Technology and brought the party to a climax.


Finally, after taking photos with all the teachers and students, the graduation GALA came to an end with laughter and singing. Zhejiang University of Science and Technology wishes all graduates a bright and prosperous future.

